Food Shelf Program
Our Food Shelf Program provides a monthly supply of supplemental nutritious food to those who meet our income qualifications or are in crisis. We offer low-barrier, equitable and dignified access in a drive-through, shopping, and delivery format depending on the location in which it operates.
What types of foods are available?
Our availability varies but you may receive shelf-stable, fresh or frozen protein, grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy. Items like cereal, pasta, brown or white rice; protein like beef, chicken, tuna or peanut butter; dairy like milk or cheese; fruits, vegetables and more.
How do I know if I qualify?
We use Federal Poverty Guidelines to determine income eligibility for our programs. Since thresholds have changed since the pandemic we recommend reaching out to us for additional information. We also recognize that people in crisis (fire, flood, medical emergency, etc.) may need our assistance.
What’s required?
You’ll just need to provide the number of people in your household and your household income (no proof is required).
Where can I pick up my food?
Second Harvest Northland West Facility
Food Shelf Program
2222 Cromwell Drive | Grand Rapids, MN
Mondays and Wednesdays: 11:00-3:30 p.m.
Fridays: 9:00-12:00 p.m.
Second Harvest Northland East Facility
**We are sorry, but our facility is currently closed to food distribution.**
Food Shelf Program
2302 Commonwealth Ave | Duluth, MN
We will be holding a drive thru distribution at:
Vineyard Fruit of the Vine Food Shelf
1533 W. Arrowhead Road, Duluth
Friday, January 17 and Tuesday, January 21, 2025 (January 14 was rescheduled to January 17th due to inclement weather.)
Beginning January 28, 2025, individuals that are income eligible or in crisis will be able to access our food shelf program one (1) day per week, either Tuesdays or Fridays.
Tuesdays: 10:00-1:00 p.m.
Fridays: 10:00-1:00 p.m.
How often can I pick up food?
Our program is accessible as often as needed.
Can someone else pick up my food?
You may appoint a proxy, someone who can pick up your food on your behalf. You only need to attend your first visit in person.
What if I need food today?
If you’re in need of food immediately we would suggest clicking here to locate programs near you today.
For More Information:
Second Harvest Northland | Duluth
(218) 336-2312 | (888) 727-5653
Nondiscrimination Statement
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.