Leave a Legacy

Leave your legacy to ensure food for our Northland neighbors in the years to come.

You can ensure that our region’s future generations grow up healthy – not hungry – by including a gift to Second Harvest Northland in your will or estate plan or as part of our endowment.

To create a legacy that reflects your desires – even after your lifetime – you’ll want to carefully consider a number of factors. Consider, the assets to be used to fund the gift, the gift’s timing, effects on income-tax and financial planning, the impact on family members and friends, and the gift’s purpose.

A legacy gift is best made with the counsel of your legal, tax or financial advisor. The information provided here is for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered investment, legal, accounting, tax or other professional advice.

Please let us know if you establish a future or planned gift to benefit Second Harvest Northland, so we can say “thank you” now.

Bequests and Wills

Beneficiary Designations



Name Second Harvest Northland as a beneficiary in your will

Name Second Harvest Northland as a beneficiary of your retirement plan assets, insurance, or savings account

Give a gift to our endowment and ensure food for our Northland neighbors in perpetuity